— oh my marketing!

We All Like to Reblog (via WordPress.com News).


Anche WordPress.com ha messo il like, però qui si riposta sul proprio blog. Adoro WordPress e il loro modo di rendere facili le cose difficili.

Ho già avuto modo di esprimermi entusaisticamente su Matt Mullenweg, quando è venuto in Italia, e continuo a pensarla allo stesso modo.

We All Like to Reblog Have you ever come across a blog post that you enjoyed so much you wanted to easily share it with the readers of your own blog? Sure, you can copy and paste the link and perhaps even a snippet of text with your own comments, but overall it’s not a particularly enjoyable experience. We wanted to change this and make sharing other posts with your readers as easy as posting to your blog. Today we’re introducing a new like and reblog feature enabled … Read More

via WordPress.com News
