Vuoi essere presidente Usa? Blogga!
Biden, Bloomberg, Brownback, Clinton, Doss, Edwards, Gingrich, Giuliani, Gore, Gracel, Green Party, Huckabee, Hunter, Kucinich, Libertarian party, McCain, Obama, Paul, Richardson, Romney, Tancredo, Thompson (Fred + Tommy), Unity 08… alle presidenziali USA il web 2.0 va alla grande!
Qui si possono vedere e confrontare tutti i post, foto, video dei candidati.
Dal sito, sezione politickr:
Welcome to techPresident’s Politickr! This site combines the official blog posts, news feeds, photo streams, and video posts from 2008 presidential candidates (plus some unannounced wild cards and third-party sites) and presents them side by side to help you keep up with the election. To subscribe to a candidate’s feed, click the yellow icon next to a candidate’s name. The feeds feature one week’s worth of content, and they are updated once a day.